If your goal is to: Increase Brand Awareness
Marketing and Sales goals are derived from the Business goals.
Make sure all goals are aligned regardless of your starting point.
Whenever you are creating the marketing and sales strategy always have it support the business goals - and all tactics are activities that will achieve the business goals.
As with all goals, make each one is SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound.
Having SMART goals gives each person accountability for what they are responsible for, when, where and how to achieve it. Just make sure the plan is communicated to everyone impacted by the goals.
Brand awareness can be achieved in many different ways:
If your goal is to Drive Sales, here are 7 things for you to know in order to back into the Sales number goal:
Identify your revenue goal and what persona it's coming from, i.e. inside sales, outside sales, webinar sales, inbound sales, etc.
Determine what your average value order (AVO) is, i.e. what's the average order size from that persona
Identify your closing rate
Define and identify how many SQLs you need
Define and identify how many MQLs you need
Determine how many leads you need and from what sources
Calculate the traffic numbers you need and to which pages
Confirm these steps align with, and lead to, the desired business goal
Decide on a monthly and quarterly review date - include who will gather information and share information (accountability person)
How do these steps align with the other business goals?
If your strategy is heavier on sales people - inside or outside - further calculate monthly sales numbers and activities that are supporting sales efforts. Include any stretch goals, incentives, bonuses and rewards to be given during the year.
The goal is to identify what is working so it can be repeated (if possible) and reduce or remove those that are not working (if possible).
Need help with creating your personas, designing your marketing and sales strategy or figuring out an existing plan? We will help.