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Episode 28: 

Why Consider Lead Magnets?

From this episode:



Help prospects through the buyer journey by providing something of value.


What is a lead magnet?

A lead magnet is an offer to prospects in exchange for their name and email. 


2 reasons why lead magnets are important?


  1. Gather emails - the more targeted, the more valuable the more emails you'll receive

  2. Provide something of value - takes them farther along in the sales cycle in a non-disruptive way 


How I find value in lead magnets

I visit websites all the time - I'm looking for content, messaging, brand consistency, social channels (I check those, too) and of course a lead magnet - an overall audit of how they are leveraging their #1 salesperson. 


Type of lead magnets vary and will depend on your product or service, how much you want to give away for free and where it is on your website. If you're interested in lead magnet ideas, you can download this document for free. 


You have an opportunity to provide something of value to someone who's already chosen to visit your website - perhaps through your marketing efforts or it could have been through an organic search. Even through an organic search, they had other options and they chose YOU. So why not give them something they can use and take action on right now that will help them with what they were looking for - without talking to anyone or any type of commitment to buy from me? 


They could just be comparison shopping - so why not give them a reason to choose you?


Also, look at your customer journey touch points and see where along that process it makes sense to provide and download something of value.


Connecting the Dots Between Marketing and Sales 

You need to drive traffic to the lead magnet in order for it to be effective.


Evaluate your current marketing and see how you're attracting prospects already - and where does it make sense to add a lead magnet?  The more strategic the higher the propensity to click and convert.


How do you get prospects to your lead magnet?



Does it make sense to adjust your current strategy and create a more specific plan that targets a product or service you offer?


Let’s say you’re a seasonal business like a landscape company and you’re looking at Fall services. You already have your marketing planned out. But you don’t have any incentive when someone lands on your Fall Services page and sees “How to Start Preparing Your Yard for Winter”.  And while they are on that page, a form displays with a message “Get your Fall Landscape Guide with a 15% discount on lawn aeration when redeemed by August 31”


Do you think you’ll get more leads by displaying this offer than if there was NO offer at all? Yes!


So let’s say you have a Facebook page and already have your marketing messaging planned for August. You can simply adjust your Facebook messages tailored around the Fall season to incorporate “Are you unplugging this fall?” With a message around the aeration – no one likes the plugs left in their yard right? Lol


So when someone clicks on the link in that FB post, they go to the aeration page where it talks about why it’s important, dates to consider doing it, the benefits, etc. That’s where you would present the lead magnet – as they are reading about it “Get your fall landscape guide with a 15% discount on unplugging your yard this fall!”


Do you think people visiting this page are more or less likely to give their email address for a 15% discount? More likely for sure!


Where to begin?

  1. Determine what the offer will be, what makes sense for your business, the goal, the purpose

  2. Where will you place it on your website - specific page, entire website or both

  3. What's the call to action

  4. At what point along the journey will the offer be presented?

  5. How will you continue the journey with those prospects? 

  6. What marketing will you do? What will the message be? 

  7. What's the email cadence? When will the hand-off to sales happen?


Having a prospect or customer's email address gives you permission to continue the conversation after they download the document. Just be sure to have your Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy on your website - and a link to those in your form. 


If they are considering you and the other options, if you have something of value for free in exchange for their email, then helped them along the buying process, they will see that as a great service - and likely put you in the lead, my friend!


Three take-away's:


  1. If you want to increase your email subscribers list or have something valuable to give to your prospects, add a lead magnet to your website.

  2. Look at the flow of the customer experience and see how a lead magnet fits into it

  3. Evaluate your marketing efforts and determine how the message and CTA needs to change, the impact on the existing processes and make sure all the links work! Create your follow-up as part of the process as well.


Brush Stroke

Additional Notes:

Brush Stroke

For more details on Creating Personas, listen to Episode 3 Creating Personas. Together.


Let's talk! Send me a direct email or Connect on your platform of choice. 


Do you need help with your marketing strategy? Check out the details of this online course.


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