Episode 88: Marketing Lifecycle vs Sales Funnel
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Show Notes and Related Links
The sales funnel is a 100-year old process that doesn't align with how people want to engage with people and their solutions. The Marketing Lifecycle aligns with how people want to engage and connect with others and goes beyond just marketing - it includes advocacy and retention.
Here are the 6 steps I cover in this episode and why Marketing Lifecycle is more important to the customer journey than a sales funnel
Define (your ideal customer)
Know - let them get to know you as people
Like - give them reasons to like you
Trust - create micro moments that allow them to trust you
Buy - do everything right before this and they will buy from you
Retain/create advocacy - the most important step to your marketing budget
I mentioned the Customer Journey document to creating content and nurturing their journey. I also mentioned the ability to leave a voice message in addition to leaving a comment below - both can be found here:
LINKS mentioned in this Episode of Connect the Dots:
Leave me a Voice Message
NOTE: By recording a voice message, you're granting permission to use your message publicly.
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Vicki O'Neill is a Video Marketing Educator, Coach and Full Service provider based in Cincinnati Ohio. She has over 20 years of marketing leadership experience including KenKay Marketing, a marketing solutions company, she founded in 2011. Vicki hosts Connect the Dots a marketing and sales educational podcast and launched a second podcast, The Power of 3X, with her Gen Z daughters. You will find Vicki on most social media platforms (icons in the footer) but you'll find her most active on LinkedIn. If you aren't already receiving insights, tips, how-to's in your inbox weekly, subscribe now.