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Episode 63: 

Joseph Myers, Narratology

Show Notes:


Joseph Myers is founder of Narratology, the business of your hero's story, is a process/tool unwittingly practiced for years and it’s now congealing into a discernable instrument that provides a compelling framework for business solutions.



Joseph's mission is to provide tools that increase sustainable and consistent sales through simple, customized systems that rely on clear communication, trust, and belonging narratives. He provokes re-imagination to capture concealed and overlooked opportunities that catapault you and your business into the future.


Joseph has also owned and operated 10 small businesses so he has a lot of experience in and supporting them. Because of his experience, we could take this conversation in many different angles but for today we’re going to focus on one in particular that will help other small businesses succeed.


We are going to hone in on one common theme or question he gets asked and helps small business with and that’s:   What’s the one big concept small business owners need to know to make all their marketing successful?


1) Is there one "silver bullet" marketing solution that works for everyone every time?

2) Why does this on foundational concept work? Is there any science behind it?

3) In marketing, when is it okay for it to be about me?



Connect with Joseph and the Narratology website via the following links:


Joseph on LinkedIn

Narratology website

Joseph's email

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Until next time, Make today great!!

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Vicki O'Neill is a fractional CMO in Ohio with over 20 years of marketing leadership experience. She's the founder of KenKay Marketing, a marketing solutions company founded in 2011. Vicki hosts Connect the Dots a marketing and sales educational podcast for entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes. She recently launched a new podcast with her Gen Z daughters, The Power of 3X, to help individuals who want to learn about the youngest generation. You will find Vicki on most social media platforms but you'll find her mostly on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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