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Episode 17: 

Divergent:  Marketing and Sales

From this episode:



Divergent Marketing and Sales?




I compare the departments like Marketing and Sales in an organization to the Faction system of one of my favorite movies, Divergent


While there are differences, the value is in the similarities. When there's Marketing expertise, it benefits the Sales team. When there's Sales expertise, it benefits the Marketing team.


Collaboration, creativity and communication is where these two groups come together and empower each other. It fuels growth and it begins with being the change. 


3 Simple Steps You Can Take NOW to Start Making a Change: 


  1. Set a meeting or call your counterpart or send an email with the title "We need to collaborate!" and in the body or as your message:  "When can we meet to discuss?"

  2. In preparation for the discussion, list what that person and their team are doing well and how it's helping you. Don't stop with just the list - extend it with HOW each item is adding value -- even if it's just two things!

  3. In preparation for that discussion, list what you need, why and how you can work together to achieve it. This should be an easy - and most likely extensive - list of what you want from the other team. Make it robust so you can fill the purpose of the meeting and add all the value components to keep it going even beyond this meeting.  


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Show Notes:

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Do you have ave a separate Marketing and Sales team? Take this Marketing and Sales Assessment to find out where to begin. 

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