Episode 74: 'Plateau to Grow' Marketing
Show Notes and Related Links
"I know this isn't the final stage of my business. I definitely want to grow but I don't have time to figure out how. I'm fully staffed and can't afford to hire anyone to help in any area of the business."
Sound familiar? You'll want to listen to this episode.
I include 5 business 'plateau' possibilities with a growth strategy for each.
Has your business plateaued? You'll want to listen - then let me know which one applies to you.
Don't forget to subscribe on your favorite platform Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify and iHeartRadio.
Here are links I mentioned for this episode:
Stat: 80% of small businesses fail <infographic>
50% of prospects aren't a good fit for your business.
80% of prospects have done all their research before buying from you.
A FREEBIE for you!
Download my 6 Steps to Creating Content for the Customer Journey Guide here.
If you prefer to read about this topic: How to Go From PLATEAU to GROW blog post.
You may also be interested in these topics:
Marketing and the Problem You Solve
How to use UGC in Your Marketing

Vicki O'Neill is a fractional CMO in Ohio with over 20 years of marketing leadership experience. She founded KenKay Marketing, a marketing solutions company, in 2011. Vicki hosts Connect the Dots a marketing and sales educational podcast for entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes. She recently launched a new podcast, The Power of 3X, with her Gen Z daughters to give people a resource to learn about our youngest generation. You will find Vicki on most social media platforms (icons in the footer plus TikTok) but you'll find her most active on LinkedIn. Receive weekly insights, tips, how-to's in your inbox by subscribing here.