Episode 79: 5 Sales Tips to Customer Journey Engagement
Show Notes and Related Links
In this episode I share 5 sales tips and where they come into play in my 6 step customer journey process.
If my 6-step customer journey process is not familiar to you, I’ve included links below to the 6 live stream videos I discussed these steps along with a link to the playbook you can use to create content for your customer journey.
This episode on sales tips supports my 6-step process (which involves know, like and trust). Here we go!
The 5 sales tips (in no particular order):
Sell the benefit, not the comparison (TRUST)
Listen to your customer (LIKE)
Market your product before you're ready (KNOW)
Test fast, fail fast. (RETAIN)
Promote from different angles (DEFINE)
LINKS mentioned in this Episode of Connect the Dots:
6 LIVE videos YouTube Playlist can be accessed here on my YouTube channel (SUBSCRIBE)
Step 1: The Prequel to Know, Like, Trust: DEFINE [VIDEO]
Step 2: Get to KNOW your customers so they can get to KNOW you [VIDEO]
Step 3: How to create a great customer experience through the know, LIKE and trust process [VIDEO]
Step 4: TRUST in the process [VIDEO]
Step 5: Making the BUY step easier [VIDEO]
Step 6: How to include RETENTION in the customer journey process [VIDEO]
Download my 6 Steps to Creating Content for the Customer Journey Guide here.
I go LIVE every Wednesday @ 12p EST to share more value with you on different marketing related topics. Join me and subscribe to my YouTube channel here.
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Vicki O'Neill is a fractional CMO in Ohio with over 20 years of marketing leadership experience. She founded KenKay Marketing, a marketing solutions company, in 2011. Vicki hosts Connect the Dots a marketing and sales educational podcast for entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes. She recently launched a new podcast, The Power of 3X, with her Gen Z daughters to give people a resource to learn about our youngest generation. You will find Vicki on most social media platforms (icons in the footer plus TikTok) but you'll find her most active on LinkedIn. Receive weekly insights, tips, how-to's in your inbox by subscribing here.