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Writer's pictureVicki O'Neill

4 Steps to Create and Implement a Successful Lead Generation Strategy [FREE DOWNLOAD]

Image by Nathan Dunlao via Unsplash

It's time.

It's time to earn your audience's attention and not buy it.

The first step is to create compelling content that they notice and helps them navigate the confusing path to buy from you,

What's more difficult is getting that content to convert to a lead.

The most successful lead generation strategies are part of a strong foundation from the marketing strategy and ties to the business goals.

There's an estimated 96% of B2B customers who want content from industry thought leaders to inform their buying decisions (Demand Gen Report). Creating compelling content is your key to establishing yourself as that thought leader in your industry.

Having a lead generation strategy in place is how companies with compelling content generate 67% more leads per month (according to SocialMedia B2B) than companies that don't. Which side do you want to be on?

Let's dive in to the 4 steps:

  1. Lead Capture Before we can capture someone's email, we first need to give something of value. Long gone are the days where people just gave you their email willy nilly. They are more likely to give their email if they like and trust you. Before asking for an email, be sure to provide value in the form of tips, how-to's, checklists, etc. that your audience can take action on immediately. Small wins like that will start increasing your likability factor and win you trust over time. Once you've earned their trust, they will share their email so you can continue the conversation. Remember: the customer is in control of the process. Just help them navigate it by providing helpful and valuable information along a frictionless path along the way. Targeting users with content relevant to their position along the buying process yields 72% higher conversion rates (Aberdeen). If you want help with Calls-To-Action, download this FREE GUIDE that provides a list of 10 action-oriented CTAs that will drive higher conversions; The list includes WHY it works and WHEN to use it. Access it now 👇

  2. Lead Magnets Connect the dots between your website traffic and lead capture by providing something of value - lead magnets. These are tools that provide value to your prospects in exchange for their contact information (usually name and email - just keep it simple. When they've given you their email, they've given you permission to follow-up. Examples of lead magnets: training video series, free trials, webinars, eBooks, white paper and how-to guides. Providing valuable materials that help them better understand how you can help solve their problem will put you on the right path to obtaining their email address. The most popular lead magnets marketers use are: eBooks (27.7%), webinars (24.9%) and use of free tools (21.3%) (Hubspot).

  3. Landing Page Conversions: A landing page is a page dedicated to a particular topic, usually on your website, that someone lands on after clicking on an ad or link from another online source. These are typically used as part of a bigger marketing campaign to warm up potential clients and have one goal and call-to-action in mind. Using landing pages increase lead conversions when the focus of your business or marketing campaign is in one place. The most important element on your landing page is that it follows through on the promise you made in the previous step. If you say you're giving a one-time 50% discount on a product or service, that needs to be clearly stated on the landing page so it's the first thing a visitor sees, reassuring them that you are trustworthy. Transfer any other relevant elements from the previous step like images, fonts, colors and comments. 68% of B2B companies will use landing pages to nurture new sales leads for future conversion (Marketing Sherpa).

  4. Lead Scoring: Capturing leads is only one step in the process. Lead scoring is a part of the process that helps prioritize leads according to their level of relevance and engagement with the type of content shared. Having a lead scored helps you determine where that person is in the buying process so you can nurture them properly. If the leads are reflective of customers who will buy your products or services, your lead conversion rate will be low. The ultimate goal is to turn your leads into customers. In fact, Hubspot reports that 56.4% of marketers say they have a documented lead qualification process in place. Examples of lead scoring and type of engagement with assigned point value: Fill out opt-in form: Add 7 points Download an eBook: Add 5 points Job role not a good match: Deduct 10 points Unsubscribe from a list: Deduct 7 points The point values can be associated to actions in your CRM system. As your lead volume increases having automations like this in place will help prioritize your leads and give you a more accurate view of your potential customer's journeys, where they are and what they need to get to the next step in their journey.

74% of companies say converting leads into customers is their top priority (Hubspot)

Vicki O'Neill is a fractional CMO in Ohio who helps frustrated small business owners grow customers and revenue. She helps connect the dots between target customer pain points and solutions. She founded KenKay Marketing in 2011, started her marketing and sales podcast Connect the Dots in 2018 and launched a 2nd podcast The Power of 3Xin 2019 with her Gen Z daughters. Connect with Vicki on social media wherever you spend time. Join her community and receive marketing tips that you can take action on immediately!


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