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Episode 9: 

The Psychology of Marketing and Sales with Kendra Ramirez

From this episode:



It's time to turn the anxiety of disconnect into fuel for growth!


Connect with Kendra on LinkedIn or her website.


The Psychology of Marketing:

The digital Marketing space has evolved over the past 10 years and although there are more tools to manage your online brand today than ever before - there were about 150 tools about 10 years ago, now we're at ~7,000 - Marketing professionals have evolved with the change while Sales has remained the same for the most part - cold calling to generate new business. 


The Psychology of Sales:

Picture this: a used car salesman from the 1970's with a big cheesy grin trying everything to get you in that car. Or Harry Wormwood from Matilda if you need a cheesy 1970's reference.


The mentality of today's buyer - B2B or B2C - is that of a cheesy sales person - perhaps one with better clothes than Mr. Wormwood but cheesy nonetheless.


Why is this STILL the stigma of sales people today? Is it because Sales people are working harder instead of smarter - or smarter instead of harder? Kendra and I are going with the former and reason "Sales" people are still referred to with a negative connotation. We discuss how this perception can be changed - and it can be changed easily! Just requires a different mindset.


The Psychology of Marketing and Sales:

This theory is known but rarely discussed, and not in practice as much as it should be. Combining the 

the mindset of the evolving and change adapter of the Marketing Professional with that of the traditional Sales Professional would put brands leaps and bounds ahead of where they are today. This is the topic we discuss in this episode. 



Three take-aways:


  1. Comfort Zones

    • The only way to grow is through change.

    • Change requires getting outside of your comfort zone

    • "Whatever makes you uncomfortable is your biggest opportunity for growth."

  2. Try new things and test, test, test

    • Whether you're changing your Marketing strategy, Sales Strategy or creating a new, combined business strategy, you don't know what you don't know. Try something. Anything.

    • As with anything new, you don't know what to expect. Use the information and data you have to try something new then test it.

    • Not sure if it will work? Or now know it didn't work? Test something else.

    • Did we mention test? 

  3. ABL - Always be learning.​

    • You can try new things based on what you know today which is great. But did you read th enote above about there being 150 digital marketing tools 10 years ago and now there are onear 7,000? There's always something new to learn.

    • Apart from just the marketing and martech changes, there are roles within your business that you can learn from. If you're marketing, learn sales. If you're sales, learn marketing. You don't have to be IN the job to learn it - but put in the effort and it WILL make a difference.

    • Learn something new for your own personal development. Just because you're in the role you are in today doesn't mean that's where you're going to be in 5 years. Make a plan and identify what you need to learn now to prepare you for then.  â€‹


Final thought:

There are pre-conceived notions of what Marketing is to Sales and what Sales is to...everybody. Regardless of the position you're in or department you support, it is possible to align the expertise of these two mission critical teams. 


Know that a business can not survive without Marketing or Sales.


So just imagine the possibility of the power when these two work together!

Brush Stroke

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Brush Stroke
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Show Notes:

Brush Stroke

Book: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg 


Reference:  Roger Bannister 4-Minute Mile


Blog Reference:  Change Perception of Sales - Out with the Old, In with the Different


Learn more about Kendra Ramirez by visiting her website @ 

If you liked this episode, you may also like:

Ep. 73  Marketing vs. Sales

Ep. 20  Social Media Content Ideas for Marketing and Sales 

Ep. 88  Marketing Lifecycle vs. Sales Funnel

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